30 November 2006

I demand my mag chloride

or "what exactly is Denver's list of priorities?" or maybe "where is the money spent?". Granted Denver does not plow side streets; gotta cut costs somewhere (remember the snow storm a few years back when G couldn't get to work for 3 days b/c he couldn't get out of our street?) But wouldn't you consider Holly & Florida to be fairly busy main streets? Both were unplowed as of this morning and thick with visible ice. There was a fender bender on Florida & Dahlia as I took Madster to school. No big deal.

But you know, last night I slid trying to stop at that light. And the car behind me barely stopped in time to not rear-end me. In fact, when I heard my tires stop in the snow, I almost thought the sound was that of the car behind me tapping my fender because her headlights were nowhere visible in my rearview mirror, but were right up close to my rear fender. Yeah, probably why she drove so cautiously & far behind me after we got through the intersection. You know that feeling when all the blood rushes to your legs (or out of them?) when you have to stop suddenly or when you get pulled over? Alot of that feeling going on last night, I'm sure.

Anyway, there was an ambulance at the scene on my way back. Didn't look like an "emergency" -no flashing lights, no police, etc. Maybe 5 minutes later I hear an ambulance siren -going from the scene or maybe a totally different vehicle. G leaves for work 5 minutes after that & calls to tell me an ambulance had driven into the wooden fence at the Montessori school on the corner of Holly & Florida. hmmmmmm. I leave for the store a few minutes later w/ the girls & witness the ambulance in the fence & the car it hit. The car in front of me skids to the right & straightens out. I slide & aim for the right turn lane & finally stop. I see the car behind me start to slide & drive into the parking lot to avoid rear ending me (luckily no oncoming traffic, as she went across lanes to get to the lot.) Okay, no biggie b/c it happens all over the country at this time of year.

My point is that it probably could be avoided if the city saw fit to plow & de-ice more than just 4 or 6 lane boulevards. I'm not complaining about side streets, mind you; I just think that well-traveled main streets should be made safe for drivers (& pedestrians).

29 November 2006

hump day

Wednesday Mind Hump

Hi everyone! Sorry about the lack of a Monday Music Mambo. Your mememeister wasn't at home to do it. Today's theme is "Customer Is Wrong Day," and Monday's was "Electric Guitar Day." Because I missed such a great opportunity for the Mambo, we'll just make today Electric Guitar Day.

1. Who is your favorite electric guitarist? Or top three, if you can't decide on one?

Jimi Hendrix, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn (in that order)

2. Describe your dream guitar. What color is it? What brand? What special touches does it have?

If I were a guitar playing type person, it would be a shiny, glittery purple of the Gibson variety.

3. Bass guitars are electric guitars too. Who is your favorite bassist?

Billy Sheehan, Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton (not in that order)

4. Name one of your favorite electric guitar solos.

It's actually a tie b/t a Jason Newsted bass solo from the And Justice For All tour and the Cliff Burton bass solo from the Master of Puppets tour

27 November 2006

Do ya get it yet?


OTHER FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.

OTHER FRIENDS: Bring a bottle of wine to your party.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Make the pierogies & stay to clean up afterwards.

OTHER FRIENDS: Will come to your house warming party.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Will help you move.

OTHER FRIENDS: Will watch sports with you.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS:Will take off of work for a week to drive to a Steeler away game with you.

OTHER FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Call your parents Mom and Dad.

OTHER FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we messed up - that was fun!

OTHER FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.

OTHER FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

OTHER FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd's butt that left you behind.

OTHER FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"

OTHER FRIENDS: Will talk trash to the person who talks trash about you.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Will knock them the HELL out!

OTHER FRIENDS: Are for a while.

OTHER FRIENDS: Will ignore this.
PITTSBURGH FRIENDS: Will send it on to more Pittsburgh friends.

I was forwarded this email from 2 different friends -one still in the 'burgh & one in FL the last 22 years. Even though I've been in CO for 10 years now, I don't think it will ever be "home". I really miss my friends (friends who are family?!) and my family. Sad but true that Nikki still considers her hometown to be Pittsburgh -and she's spent more than 1/2 her life here. Joe says it's b/c we grew up together & went through so much life together that we can't find other friends like our circle. I think it's more than that. I think it's also partly to do with a shared culture of caring & welcome & acceptance. Whatever it is, I miss them like mad today & most days. (there are 2 or 3 friends I've made here who could be qualified as "honorary" Pittsburghers just for the sheer fact that they fulfill every category listed -well, maybe not the Steeler away game item and that's okay 'cuz that is definitely an acquired taste that not everyone is lucky enough to have. I cherish those folks dearly too!)

22 November 2006

They call this a "moderate ozone" day.

Does that mean there is moderate pollution? Or there is a moderate ozone layer remaining? Denver is the new LA? You can't really tell from this picture but a little. The smog has been so bad the last few days. I first noticed it a couple months ago. It was a distinct brown cloud hanging over the city. The last couple days I've been traveling to Boulder & Broomfield so I've actually been out from under the city's bubble. It's so noticeable and noticeably odoriferous. I don't mean just a little grey-ish brown, I mean it's the color of a transluscent dark oak stain. It stretches for miles north and south (probably east & west too). And the smell is so bad & so strong that I wouldn't want to put the window down -it permeates the car's air system regardless. Makes me not want to drive. Or leave the house without some kind of face mask/breathing apparatus. It's scary & bums me out. Yeah, so we just need a big gust of wind to blow it out of here; but it'll just move on to somewhere else -like Kansas. It may dissipate, but it won't ever really go away. And yet people buy SUVs & drive one person to a car. I will say that lightrail has made a noticeable dent in rush hour traffic -on southbound I-25 (of course). Hopefully there will be a further expansion of lightrail to the north -like all the way up to Longmont, at least. Surely I'm not the only person to notice this problem?!?

Well, in comparison, Denver is LA 20 years ago 'cuz this is LA today. Yikes.

19 November 2006

with whom can I file a complaint?

can you believe that I saw spring gardening things on the shelf yesterday at JoAnn's. Oh yes I did. Lawn gnomes & some of those cutesy wooden garden signs. ARGHHHHHHH! (and no they weren't left overs on clearance; they were new products)

And the radio station that plays continuous xmas music the day after Thanksgiving until either the day after xmas or new years eve? It's already started. It was on the radio when I came into work yesterday. I don't know how long it's been playing xmas songs. Did it just start? And why? I mean, I enjoy carols as much as the next person. I even bought a new xmas CD & played it ONE TIME. But do I need to be bombarded before the xmas season has even started? True, I can just turn the channel. I just feel like it's taking away the specialness of xmas. It's like having birthday cake for dessert all the time would make birthday cake boring. And what would you do to make your birthday different, then?

17 November 2006

ho friggin' ho ho ho

I cannot comprehend the fact that Santa Claus sits on his throne at this very moment awaiting meandering lists from good & not so good little kiddles. But it's true. I think he's been there over a week. At the Cherry Creek Mall. Crazy, huh? It's not even Thanksgiving. Whatever happened to the excitement of Santa arriving by helicopter/firetruck/horse drawn wagon with throngs of anklebiters waiting ever so impatiently while parents try their best to entertain & distract until that breathtaking moment when the jolly fat man arrives in all his splendor. And don't forget the ensuing hours long wait to actually sit near the man to make the necessary requests & get that mandatory tasty cherry flavored lolly with the raised white imprinted xmas theme on it. That is what I remember about the day after Thanksgiving when I was growing up.

Now Santa comes unannounced. He's an afterthought, playing second fiddle to the advertisement for "Happy Feet" which disguises itself as a giant walk-through snowglobe exiting exactly to Santa's left. And the lolly? Well, no. That wouldn't be PC, now would it? They used to give out these cute little books with subliminal messages of moral etiquette; we even still have them. But surely that required the mall to shell out some money. The snowglobe is the mall's answer to rising costs & the lolly (and moral lesson book) is now a not so thinly veiled advertisement for said movie via coloring "book", primary color crayons included -both of which lasted less time and brought less joy than even a lolly would have. No, wait, I take that back. Santa did give them little snow flakes to "stick on the wall & dream about snowflakes" he said. Thanks. I really want to put something adhesive on their newly painted walls. But still. More useless plastic crap which some girl-child in China was forced to make for a few pennies a day instead of getting an education. The little gift bag they came in, however, I will re-use, to be sure.

Then there's the 8 yo who's old enough to question the whole oversized elf theory but was still pissed off that we went without her.

And the day after Thanksgiving has become this imperative "Black Friday" against which I am usually forsworn. (Although I may have to partake in order to purchase something I've had my eye on for quite some time at quite a remarkable price during the hours of 6am & noon only).

I have a week exactly to get my shopping done before the crazies hit the road. And also to make travel plans to school, work, and other time-wise appointments that will inevitably require extra minutes/quarter/half/full hours at which to arrive. That reason alone is enough to take the Merry out of Christmas.

14 November 2006

all in good time

so for the last few months I've been looking for this musician to no avail. I had run across her quite accidentally online (who knows why or what I was looking for at the time; I certainly don't remember). Anyway I was intrigued by her unique vocals. But I didn't bookmark anything I found & I did not add her to my "friend list" on myspace, either. I promptly forgot her name. I remember she was somewhere on the west coast & that she was kind of experimental folksy. But do you know how many artists are listed on myspace as such? Gobs. I am not about to spend hours looking through the alphabetical list in hopes of maybe finding one artist. Imagine my extreme excitement this morning as I found her face on the entertainment page of the newspaper I was perusing. And we don't even subscribe to the paper; we're getting a "free" couple days for the deliverer's attempt at enticement. Here's one more example of "everything happens for a reason". or "timing". or whatever it is that you want to call it when a good thing -something you've been waiting for, searching for- happens unexpectedly.

10 November 2006


this was emailed to me by my good friend Angela. I thought I'd blog it along instead of forwarding via email. Don't get any ideas; I've never believed in Dubya's reasons for going to war; he's a maniacal egoist with his own agenda, if you ask me. I'm not even one to think that war is a means to an end. I didn't vote for Kerry. (You do the math, if you're wondering where I stand). I do, however, support our troops wherever they're deployed.

A Marine Responds back to John Kerry

{This was written by my husband, Aaron, who is currently deployed to Iraq, in defense of a recent comment made by Senator John Kerry. Pass it along, it might inspire someone else to speak up! ~ Michelle}

Yesterday John Kerry said, "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

So I wrote him a letter:
I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently on my second tour in Iraq, a tour in which I volunteered for. I speak Arabic and Spanish and I plan to tackle Persian Farsi soon. I have a Bachelors and an Associates Degree and between deployments I am pursuing an M.B.A. In college I was a member of several academic honor societies, including the Golden Key Honor Society. I am not unique among the enlisted troops. Many of my enlisted colleagues include lawyers, teachers, mechanics, engineers, musicians and artists just to name a few. You say that your comments were directed towards the President and not us. If we were stupid Senator Kerry, we might have believed you.

I am not a victim of President Bush. I proudly serve him because he is my Commander and Chief. If it was you who was President, I would serve you just as faithfully. I serve America Senator Kerry, and I am also providing a service to the good people of Iraq. I have not terrorized them in the middle of the night, raped them or murdered them as you have accused me of before. I am doing my part to help them rebuild. My role is a simple one, but important. You see Senator Kerry, like it or not, we came here and removed a tyrant (who terrorized Iraqis in the middle of the night, and raped them and murdered them). And we have a responsibility to see to it that another one doesn't take his place. The people of Iraq are recovering from an abusive relationship with a terrible government and it's going to take some time to help them recover from that. We can't treat this conflict like a microwave dinner and throw a temper tantrum because we feel like it's taking too long.

Senator Kerry, you don't have to agree with this war. You don't have to say nice things about those of us who choose to make sacrifices for the rights of every American rather than sit back and simply feel entitled to it. But please Senator Kerry, if you're going to call me a stupid murdering rapist, stick by what you say. Don't tell me that I misunderstood or that you would never insult a veteran because you're one too. Having been there and done that does not give you a free pass to insult me.

My suggestion for you, Senator Kerry, is to remember that your speeches are recorded, and broadcast to us simpletons over here. You may want to write down what you want to say before you say it, maybe have somebody look at it before you say it and tell you what others might hear. Remember that we can't read your mind, if there are any misinterpretations in what you say, it's because you didn't communicate clearly.

Good luck to you Senator Kerry, if nothing else it's always entertaining to watch you try and climb out of the holes that you constantly dig for yourself.

Somebody who is watching his daughter grow up in photographs so that you can have the right to say whatever you want about him.

thanks, Dad

It occurred to me that another reason election day has always been so important to me is because it's been a father/daughter bonding event. My dad watches governmental affairs the way other men watch sports. So b/c I enjoy sports & he doesn't, we never had sports to bond over (oh, he is well aware of the happenings in PGH sports, he's just not a "fan" of sports of any kind & doesn't spend time watching) like other kids would do with their dads. So we've always talked politics.

We have never even shared political views. Ever. Well, maybe when I was little; hence my early democratization. But then he switched parties on me. And then I decided to not roll with either of the popular parties. But we can still talk reasonably; we don't argue, we discuss. Until my brother jumps in. He's so far left, he's right. And of course he won't admit that. I think my sister leans more toward my dad's view, but I'm not too sure; we've never really talked about it! And I would describe my mom as a "conservative pacifist". We are an eclectic mix which makes for lively family dinners, at the very least. And forget discussing w/ G. He & I are at polar opposites. We can spend about 10 civil minutes on politics before either one of us gets frustrated & has to walk away. So I really enjoy the time I get to spend talking politics with my dad.

Thanks, Dad, for instilling in me a sense of patriotism & civil pride & a lifelong appreciation of governmental politics.

08 November 2006

what the

so I went on my yearly tradition, my yearly ceremony, my yearly right & responsiblity as an adult US citizen. The yearly trip to the voting booth. I took Fi & Madster b/c I thought they would enjoy the lesson in civic duty. I know that it is something that I have cherished (& previous to 22 years ago, looked forward to with much anticipation. Well, my birthday does fall relatively close to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November; so it was always a little milestone on the way to my actual birthday celebration every year. Something to look forward to, a reminder that my birthday with accompanying cake & presents was not too far away).

Yeah, bummer that I don't watch the news b/c I would have known that the lines were horrendous. We stood in line for 2 hours!!!! Yes, TWO HOURS. Talk about fulfilling one's civic duty dutifully. That was 2 HOURS with an 8 yo & a 4 yo. Thank God they were well behaved. Extremely well behaved. They entertained each other nicely with only 1 minor mishap & 1 minor incident of annoying each other. They did help as much as they could when we finally got inside the polling place. I got to try out the new electronic booth. It was user friendly & maybe only a little more time consuming. I let Fi hit the yellow "continue" arrow so she wouldn't get bored. When we finally left (at 7 pm!), the line was just as long as when we started. Really, no need for anyone to "force" the polls to stay open until 9pm. Those volunteers (bless them) would be there until at least 9pm by my estimation.

So it seems to me that despite the shift in party preference, Colorado is more conservative than ever.

Voters want the state of Colorado to sue the Federal govt over lack of upholding illegal immigration laws.

Marijuana possession was voted down easily.

And the definition of "marriage" is now permanently defined as "one man & one woman" in the constitution (like anyone didn't already know the law).

And "domestic partnership" is still not a legal entity. Granted, I was a little thrown by the wording on the amendment that a "domestic partnership" was defined as between "two same sex persons". I mean, shouldn't it be just "two persons" not married. As in anyone who is not married but is in a committed relationship with one other person could have legal rights the same as someone who is married. Geez, this is difficult to put in words just now. I was offended by the wording, really. G & I got into a little argument about this (you can guess who was for & who was against). It's a matter of basic human rights, if you ask me. I said that technically, the only reason he & I have any legal rights as partners is because just that, we are heterosexual. Because technically, we're not anymore "married" than someone in a committed relationship who is homosexual. I would say, isn't a marriage license just a piece of paper, after all? I hate to say that, but it's true. It's a relationship sanctioned by the government & everyone else, for that matter. But why? The way the divorce rates are today, it seems that "married" couples are no more committed to each other than folks who aren't legally married. There's this illusion of committment, to be sure, because of all the ceremony that goes into a marriage. But really, what it comes down to is each person's own committment to the relationship, not necessarily the piece of paper that states there is a marriage "contract" between two people. Call me jaded, because I am. But I know first hand that "contracts" are too easily broken without committment from both parties.

07 November 2006

we all know that it's true...

but it's still enlightening to see what goes on behind the scenes. This is what Maddie watched during Girls on the Run yesterday. She talked about it this morning on the way to school. She said, "They had this ugly woman & made her pretty. They made her eyes big"(with "big" eye motions). Coincidentally, I got an email from a friend (thanks Ang) with a link to the ad campaign. What strikes me is that Mad's perception is so skewed that she thinks the woman is "ugly" beforehand. When she was describing it, I had my own perceptions of what an "ugly" woman would look like before she was made over. Definitely more extreme than Maddie's viewpoint. But then I sit here & realize that I actually have a judgemental viewpoint of what is "ugly" in someone's appearance rather than seeing beauty. I think I'll be working on that. Maybe despite my "ideals", we watch too much t.v. It's evident that we're being brainwashed by consumerism.

06 November 2006

dare I admit

I guess if you already know me, you know I just had my birthday this past Friday. It was uneventful to say the least. I had to work b/c I didn't ask for it off. That kind of sucked. I got calls & emails & texts from friends near & far -much appreciated, to know that I wasn't forgotten, a reminder that I am indeed not entirely alone in this world. So how did I celebrate? I had my teeth cleaned. This is not a bad thing. I've been blessed with really good teeth & going to the dentist is almost enjoyable. You know, that clean, smooth, when you run your tongue over your teeth feeling. I have finally found a dentist in Denver that I like, so that is a bonus; now maybe we'll go more than once every year & 1/2 -especially since we're paying for it, you know. I kept Maddie home from school that day & the girls & I went to Illegal Pete's for lunch b/c I haven't been there in forever & it is by far my most favoritest burrito place. Very Yum. And we went to Shepler's where I bought the cowboy boots I've been coveting. I also bought myself a new camera (about a month ago) b/c ours is fairly mickey mouse & wanted something with a little more oomph. And that was my birthday.

I worked Saturday night too. G brought me Indian food to work & ate w/ me on my break. Sweet, huh?

Sunday I took the girls to Mass for the first time in a long time. I've been having this internal arguement w/ our priest b/c he insists that the congregation should not kneel after receiving communion. I, on the other hand, prefer to kneel & feel that it is entirely a personal preference kind of thing. Instead of checking out what everyone else is wearing or making mental notes about how differently each person receives, I can spend my time reflecting on why exactly I'm at church in the first place. So I haven't been to mass since that last homily when those of us guilty of kneeling were all but chided for doing so. Hmmmmm. I read an article about this topic & of all people, our Archbishop Chaput clearly & concisely points out that it is not forbidden to kneel after communion. Long story short, I haven't been back in a really long time. Like since Maddie's communion. Yeah. I felt badly, of course, but I also had this internal struggle to sort out. Then after awhile I started to feel guilty about not going & the not going was what kept me away. The girls pester me about it periodically. Yesterday Maddie pointedly asked my why I don't go to church anymore (she was, after all, still waiting to have her SECOND communion). It hit me that I was choosing to let a difference of opinion keep me (& the girls) away from church. So we sat in the front row AND I wore my new boots which are very pointy, just to make it difficult for me to kneel. And guess what, I was checking out the different ways people receive instead of thinking about the communion I had just received. I think I'll sit farther back next time. And kneel.

So what does this have to do with my birthday? I decided that since I was 1/2 way through my life (rough estimate!) & I did alot of things that I'm not entirely happy with during the first 1/2 of my life, I would rather live the 2nd half doing the "right" things. Whatever that means. So instead of wasting time not going to church, when I would really rather go, well, you figure it out.

Then the fam & I met my brother & his friend (also my friend) Mel at the Traildust. Not really my "choice" but I wanted to do something the girls would have fun at & also to see if the food was better than it was 3 years ago. It wasn't. But the girls had a blast. Our waitress was new & fun & it was at least entertaining to watch my bro harrass her in his misogynistic "feminist" way. (Some of you know what I'm talking about!) Even Nikki came with us! AND she spent the night so we watched this movie at Nikki's request. I mean, really. Keanu Reeves? To end my birthday dinner celebration? My FORTIETH birthday dinner? You've got to be kidding. I can think of no one who is a poorer actor. Grrrrr. Waste my time on that tripe? Lucky for her, she's my favoritest 18 year old. And it actually wasn't bad. No, really, it was tolerable. Interesting concept & yes, there are things in my life that I would change if I could do them again differently -even if it meant altering other aspects of my life now. But that is another post altogether.

01 November 2006

a dog, a puppy, & a pirate princess Posted by Picasa

three piles just like this. a pirate's booty if I ever saw one. Posted by Picasa

yes she did empty her candy bowl into our girls' trick or treating bags. What else would an aunt do? Posted by Picasa

who is this strange ranger? Posted by Picasa

nice work G (and Madster on the far left) Posted by Picasa

all of my hard work is well worth it...is she not the most beautiful pirate princess? Posted by Picasa

is it a trick or a treat? Posted by Picasa

what does a puppy say? "woof woof" Posted by Picasa

she's grown an inch in 2 weeks Posted by Picasa

ham2 Posted by Picasa

ham3 Posted by Picasa

ham4 Posted by Picasa

ham Posted by Picasa

it's a super hero according to Mad & Fi Posted by Picasa

fi's expression looks like she's thinking "booooooring" Posted by Picasa

uh oh here we go! Posted by Picasa

helping like a big sister should Posted by Picasa

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my 2 little powderhounds using up every last bit of available snow Posted by Picasa