01 June 2005

Star Wars Update # 2

So Nikki, Maddie & I saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday. It was really quite good. Better than the last installment. Not nearly as many corny lines. Unfortunately, that meant a lesser role for C3PO. Bummer. But it was sooooooo sad!!!!! I almost cried. Ummm, I did almost fall asleep 2x, though, if that means anything to you. Well, what it should mean, is that the script was crap as ever. The writers stretch out a normal 2 minute conversation into a friggin' 10 minute dialogue. If the actors would just speak @ a normal speed, the movie could be at least 30 minutes shorter. What, are the actors told to speak so haltingly & sloooooooowly? Must be so; I know I've seen them speak at normal speeds in other flicks. What is the deal w/ George Lucas, then? Get to the point already!!!!! I won't divulge anything more in case others of you still have to see it. I will say that Maddie covered her eyes 3 times. She said that she has 3 least favorite scenes (obviously) -but no favorites!?! Oh except for "Amidala's blue pajamas were really pretty". Go figure.


lindsay girl. said...

happy closing day. and when y'all hittin the east coast?

lindsay girl. said...

i saw stupid star wars. so not impressed.