17 June 2008

fun in the summertime

It's summer, Colorado, I feel the need to be outside, not in here tapping away. So this is short.

Our week in New England was fab. One of the best vacations in the last 7 years. We were out everyday doing something different. Pictures on Flickr soon...a few are up now, but I don't know if I've sorted them out yet.

Swim lessons are in full swing. Mad, of course, is loving it. Today they started to do flip turns at the wall. After the horrible sunburn she got last week at the neighbor's pool, and not being allowed to be outside, she's quite excited to be back at the pool. We may even look into swim team this week.

Lib is not so thrilled about swim lessons. She was all gung ho but when the 1st day came, she saw she had a boy instructor & spent the rest of the lesson in tears. He asked why she was afraid of the water (b/c she wouldn't get in the baby pool) and she responded that she wasn't afraid of the water, she was afraid of him. Fiona volunteered to sign up for lessons too so she could help Lib be brave. (Fiona was the one who said she did NOT want lessons b/c she remembered how to swim & also had learned by watching Maddie). The second day Lib stayed in the lesson for even less time but Fiona stayed the whole time & really enjoyed herself. Lib has only been watching from afar since then.

Fi's been apprehensive about going in the big pool; she gives herself little pep talks at night. Today after getting in the big pool, she realized she could touch the bottom & had a blast bobbing up & down in the water. She didn't want to sit on the wall with everyone else when the instructor told them to. I didn't think she would get out when the lesson was over.

Ah, that reminds me, I promised ice cream from the ice cream truck to whoever stayed & participated in lessons today. I haven't heard the ice cream truck, so we'll have to drive somewhere to get some...I wonder if gas prices have anything to do with the lack of an ice cream truck?

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