17 June 2008

I'm she

I introduced the girls to the original Pippi Longstocking movie last week. Maddie, not so impressed. She's read the book & the 1969 film is no comparison to today's f/x standards. The littles, on the other hand, were captivated.

Usually, Lib likes to sit on the bunkbed ladder to watch movies in their room but after watching Pippi, Lib showed me how she can sit on the ladder with only one foot on the rung & no hands. Then, Feefer discovered how to climb up & over the chainlink gate at the side of the house. But the best show of Pippi antics occurred one afternoon in the kitchen. I was getting something out of the fridge while Lib stood nearby watching. As I grabbed the handle to shut the door, Lib said, "Wait! I have to do something!" Lib proceeded to jump up onto the handle & ride the door as it shut! Of course Feefer saw this & insisted, "Hey! I have to try that too!" It was too cute, too clever -how could I be angry?! (I did tell them it would be better to never do that again because a new fridge would cost more than both of their piggybanks together; so far there've been no recurrences)

1 comment:

gilbride. said...

pippi was my hero... for an embarassingly long time.

i played her in my school play in third grade.