31 July 2007

day two: St Louis, MO

We decided to stop at the Arch b/c I found out the week b4 that we could actually go up to the top. 630 ft up to be exact. Pricey ($30) for the short length of time it lasted (~30 mins bottom to top & back down) but it was a fun experience. The museum was free & very nice. Would have been better to explore w/o pre-schoolers & had Nikki not been tired & ready to get back on the road. Patting a horse named Jed (with carriage) at the riverside was a great way to end the day (and free!) as the girls then pretended to be horses all the walk/run back to the car.

Lib enjoyed shimmying up the wall of the observation deck by herself to look out the windows

the tram door was about the height of Snick when she stood on the threshold -see, here she is standing down from the threshold as we wait our turn to ride back down

the tram up to the top was comprised of separate 5 seat pods that looked like something straight out of Space Odyssey
"Don't touch the statue!" speaks the voice of authority from a nearby ranger after I jokingly tell Snick to get cozy w/ Thomas Jefferson & she starts to link her arm through his.

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