06 November 2007

birthday continued

This is the bad part of my birthday celebration:

Somewhere in Boulder I contracted food poisoning. Was it my burger? Was it my gelato? Regardless, I woke up around midnight, sick as a dog...all night long. At one point I decided to just "sleep" in the bathroom, as it made more sense, & felt a bit safer, than traipsing back & forth between bed & toilet every hour, iykwim. I had to wake Garrett @ 4:30am to take Chris to the airport. It sucked. What sucks more is that today is Tuesday & I've had to call off work again because my insides are still not okay. Grrrrr. I hate doing nothing all day. I haven't even felt up to knitting, if you can believe that. It's like having the flu but no other symptoms. Which, I guess if you think about it, is actually better than having the flu. No, wait, Sunday was like having a hangover, but without having had the benefit of partying on Saturday. Horrible. I was a tad concerned last night b/c I still couldn't keep anything down & I feared I might be dehydrated. Hero that Garrett is, he brought me some pedialyte. GROSS! OMG! That swill is nearly as foul as the sugar drink one is forced to imbibe during pregnancy for the glucose screening test. Blech! BUT! it stayed down, sip by little sip through the night. And! here I am at the computer (bathroom not far away though, lol). I did attempt to eat today. Rice was okay. Not satisfying in the least, but it didn't make me nauseous like the soy cracker I tried. Maybe I'll try some knitting. And of course, there's the weekend's laundry to fold.

Anyone have a cure for food poisoning?

1 comment:

renee said...

Happy Late Birthday!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful time, at least up until a point. Being sick sucks!! Hang in there.