25 September 2008

O M G! it's the Jonas Brothers!

FYI, Fi and Mad are crushing on Joe. Lib likes all of them. I like that the girls have crushes on some fairly sweet, seemingly nice boys. Seriously, they all wear chastity rings. Say what you will, I think it's sweet and a good influence.

This is the song that is currently played on repeat -over and over and over- in our house. Indeed, when this show aired last night, we had dvr'd it -so the girls watched this clip 3 times in a row. I'm sure they would have watched it ad nauseum had it not been past bedtime already. And then upon waking this morning, guess what got the first play of the day? So you can imagine my frustration when I got to work & regardless of the reggae playing in my earbuds, this song was running through my mind -over and over and over. It's a catchy tune, but still....

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Oh, I hear ya! We had to DVR it too. Jordan really likes Joe too. Wish our girls were closer together so they could all crush together.