03 September 2009

17 days now

Lib asked me this morning why do I make green smoothies every day. Because they're good for me & they taste good too. I think I've become kind of addicted to them. I can't imagine starting the day without one, actually. This one has spinach, o.j., banana, vanilla spirutein, and beet. Yes, beet. It was quite tasty. Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it!


Chloe m said...

MMMM....I can't believe how many things you can cram into your smoothies! A glass full of vitamins! How did you add Beet? A whole cooked beet? Or juiced?
My grandma once gave us beet juice popisicles. Ugh. We threw them in the bushes.

rockymtmama said...

I love that story about throwing the beet popsicles into the bushes. Love it! Oh the imagery in that one sentence lol! Did you taste them first or did she tell you they were made from beets first & then you wouldn't taste them?

I shredded this one. This week I used one that was a little soft for "raw" eating, so I just cut it up & threw it in. Still yum.