20 January 2006

chatty girls

So it starts -already!?! REAL girly type phone calls. I'm talkin' 30+ minutes with the little girl who sits across the table from DD2. Full on walking around the house, chatting, shutting the door behind her to "hide" in her room away from her little sisters, etc. It was too cute. Until it happened 2 nights in a row. G made a good point -she'll use up all my minutes at this rate. So now there is a time limit. geez. and G thought maybe we should get her a firefly or one of those other kid's phones. Like we need a reason to feed that fire.

It's bad enough DD1 is "possibly" learning the value of $ & bills -she had a $30 text bill last month. That's 300 texts folks. WTF. An AVERAGE of 10/day???? I imagine that will be the last of it. She's quite good w/ HER $. Makes my parents glad we didn't have advanced technology, I'm sure.

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