24 April 2008

and then there was Lib

"Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster faster Sonic Dix" (she insists Fi & I are saying it wrong when we say 'Sonic X')

She is the only 4 yo girl I know who will watch New Yankee Workshop -willingly- from beginning to end & periodically say "Wow! I wish I had that!" in reference to whatever big power tool is being utilized at the moment.

G broke down & bought her a Sonic XBox game -as if she needed any encouragement to play XBox.

Her current favorite phrase is "I like that song". I haven't figured out if there is any song she doesn't like. Does she say it indiscriminately? Or does she reserve it for the songs she really likes? Maybe I'll play something really crappy & see what she thinks.

"There's Ryan." (our next door neighbor's son) "He's so handsome. I'm going to marry him."

Today I had a doctor's appointment & was accompanied by both littles. They had crayons & a drawing tablet to keep them occupied. I was lying on the table in the usual position, both girls at my head -the better to hold my hand. I was talking to the doctor & not really paying attention to the littles. All of a sudden I heard this little loud whisper -from behind the doctor's shoulder- "hey Fi! come here & see she what she's doing!" Hahahahaha! (Fi was not so interested as Lib)

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