11 April 2008

overheard lately, etc

while watching "Robots" (I LOVE the graphics & the creativity) I asked the littles, "So are you gonna be somebody when you grow up?" Lib responded, "yeah, I'm gonna be Nikki." Fi said, "Yeah, we love her". Hint hint, big sister...I think they miss you a little.

I banned all "character" dinnerware from our house. There hasn't been one argument over breakfast, lunch, or dinner since then...so refreshing!

Lib has been enamored with "Sonic the Hedgehog" as of late. She "is" Sonic. Only she. Everyone else has to pick a different character. Maybe this is good, considering she is usually the pokiest little -we may be able to use this to our advantage when trying to get her to pick up the pace. And yes, she knows he's a he.

The abacus has been deemed "boring" by both littles. So in an effort to work with numbers, I've set Fi to work on a number scroll. She's gotten to the mid-forties. Yeah, it's just number recognition right now. We'll add some physical counters next week. Oh, and she can tell time. That's right, the 5 year old can tell time -well, at least the hour & half hours. But hey, it's pretty darn cool.

And I love the fact that Fi wakes up & is "ready" to learn. The first thing she did today upon waking was write out everyone's name & count the letters to see who has the longest name (Madeleine wins, hands down). Some spelling, some writing, some counting, some addition. All at 7am. I pray that public school doesn't kill her eagerness to learn the way it has with Maddie.

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