16 May 2005


Who the heck really cares to see Rob & Amber get married on t.v.? I personally think they should never have been given a spot on The Amazing Race. Garrett points out that they haven't won the big money in the end. I say that they took up a spot that someone else could've had trying to win. I mean, they did both have a shot on Survivor b4. Okay, so it's not like I watch these programs but I saw a commercial last night while @ the laundromat. It's not brain surgery, but does anyone else care to post an opinion?


lindsay girl. said...

i am shocked and astounded that you're ruining your brain with that tripe! i mean, i certainly don't watch reruns of the simpsons and friends over here because they show nothing else worthwhile twenty four seven. nope. not me. i'm intellectual. and they totally shouldn't be awarded all the attention of being married on tv. end scene.

rockymtmama said...

Yeah well, maybe I am jealous. yeah that's it. BECAUSE my very good friend Kelly & I were supposed to be on the Amazing Race. WE should've had a chance @ the $$$ the very first season!!!! Never mind that I found out I was pregnant b4 we even got to finish our video audition (which was fun to film)(the little segment that we did actually work on). We would be a great team!! Yeah and maybe I don't even want to hear about Rob & Amber getting married now b/c I'm nowhere near getting married myself. Regardless of the fact that we have 4 girls already. Whatever. More on this later....