21 May 2005

my world, my way

Okay, for all the ripping on trustfunders & trustifarians while I lived in Boulder, deep down I wouldn't pass up the chance to be one. Would certainly make the pursuit of happiness a lot easier. Well, it would eliminate many of the distractions which come along w/ lack of $$. Or rather, the having to go out & earn the evil stuff. As the PA lottery advertisement used to run "gotta play to win". And I don't play, so I won't win -powerball, etc. I will have to be a good little worker bee instead & pay my respects to the man. Wait a minute here, we're discussing MY world. I AM the QUEEN BEE. Yunz are all the worker bees. Not me. hehehehe (she laughs diabolically)

What else? In my world, professional athletes & other entertainers would earn $ proportionate to their importance in the betterment of society. Teachers would be highly paid. Schools would have a higher allotment of the Federal budget. Much higher. Much much higher.

There would be hockey! NHL style. w/o the greed that ends in a nonexistent season & a Stanley Cup collecting dust instead of kisses.

Alright, alright, I've let you in on enough of my secrets already. Patience, my dear friends: You're still on a need to know level of security!! Hasta!

Oh & p.s. we have put in a counter-offer on the house which has been accepted by the sellers. The inspection went well too! A few minor things to be corrected. Soon to sign the papers & hand over the $ & get the keys. New rule that I've implemented: no one is to come to our house w/o boxes. I have never packed for 6 people b4...should be quite the learning experience!

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