10 March 2006

you know it's bad when...

Fi says "I just don't feel like chocolate" when I offer her pudding. Poor babies look pathetic. They won't eat anything except freeze pops, water, & sometimes pedialyte. They won't take medicine; G had to practically force Lib to take advil last night when her temp was 104. The fever's up & down for both. The cough is the same horrible sounding congested mess. And now I'm getting the cough. I am popping cold snap like mad in the hopes of avoiding the flu symptoms. The ONLY good thing about this bout of flu is that I can actually get some things done around here w/o being interrupted every 10 minutes; the girls are in & out of sleep downstairs -no fighting, not much crying, not much whining. The occasional request to be held until giving in again to sleep. I called the doc last night just to check if the symptoms warranted a trip to the ER. He said this round of flu is lasting 5-7 & even 10 days with kids looking as sick as you can imagine (I'm guessing it's that pathetic, runny nose, heavy-lidded, tearing, dazed eyes look my kids have). Great.

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