19 June 2006

haven't been posting much lately either

So you may have guessed it; summer has arrived full on in colorful CO. I'm not online much these days b/c who wants to be sitting in front of a computer instead of being outside???? I will say that I've received quite a few lovely postcards from my secret pal; I believe she resides in WA? Or is that OR? No, I think it is WA. the eastern side closer to ID. They are all hanging in the doorway b/t the dining/craft room & the kitchen- well out of little hands' reach. It's been fabulous fun to see what the mailman will bring. And addictive! There is a certain feeling of "disappointment" when all I get for the day is junk &/or bills. So I've decided to send postcards to other various friends just b/c it is so nice to get a little something in the mail that is personal & fun. There is definitely something to be said for snail mail instead of the usual email correspondance. Is it just the tangibility of holding something in one's hand that lends credibility to the reality of the person on the sending end? Email seems so momentary in comparison. like a blip on the screen of life. whereas an actual letter or postcard is so much like a real connection? I don't know. Let me not wax poetic here. the sun is calling me to leave here now.

Oh, and do you know how difficult it really is to watch world cup soccer & knit at the same time? Let me tell you, lest you don't understand. It is damn nigh impossible. I have tried. I am not getting much done. I usually can't stand to sit in front of the t.v. (or anywhere, for that matter) without something for my hands to do; hence the cultivation of the knitting habit. But there are 3 games on everyday. Each is 90+ minutes not including 1/2 time (which thank god for DVR, we can gratefully skip altogether). There are NO commercials -which I do enjoy, btw, just b/c we have all too many commercials day to day. And they break up the action in our own sports way too often for the momentum to actually be a factor in the games. BUT, that being said, as you can see there is absolutely zero time to knit. for at least those 5 or so hours. OMG. I just realized that we're spending 5 hours a day watching t.v. Horrible. and it's every day! for a month!!!! And starting tomorrow there will be FOUR games on everyday! It's kind of freaking me out if I think about it too much. I think I do need to leave now. Can't_think_about_time_wasted_in_front_of_tube. Must_get_out_side_pronto.

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