07 September 2006

day late & always a dollar short

Wednesday Mind Hump

Hello again! Let's do another Mind Hump. Today is National Geek Day, so let's geek it up!

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars, baby, unless you're talking old Star Trek t.v. (William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy style)

Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter -books and movies

Internet Explorer or Firefox?
IE. Used to be Netscape; can't remember why we switched.

iPod shuffle or iPod Nano?
neither, I opted for not further greasing the Apple machinery; I have a Creative Zen Nano Plus. And I like it. And with the money I saved, I could download a bunch of CDs online.

Camera phone or mp3 phone?
neither; a camera is a camera, an mp3 is an mp3, and a phone is a phone. Call me old fashioned if you will. Just remember, I had a working record player until a few years ago.

Dilbert or Jon from "Garfield"?
Dilbert is way geekier

And of course, the big question
Mac or PC? PC. I am not a Mac snob. Didn't I make this point clear a couple items ago??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - having a MAC is cool, not snobby... just so ya know. I used to think they were awful things and now I will never get a PC again... how can you not buy a MAC? Everyone should have one... if only for the sheer fact that they do not get viruses. So, anyways... they rock.

Oh and I still have a record player - it rocks too.