07 March 2007

CSAP madness again this week

Maddie was wigging out this morning about breakfast -what should she have? how much? what if she gets hungry b/c she didn't eat enough? why do we have nothing (other than the 5 choices I gave her) to eat in our house, etc etc etc. Serious high anxiety about something so mundane. She finally got around to telling me that she was upset about CSAPs b/c her teacher reprimanded her for getting into her desk to get her lipbalm last time. "Since when is that against the rules of CSAP??!!" she asks incredulously. ARGH. She put on her game face during the car ride to school & was completely emotionless when she got out of the car. Poor thing. She's got to learn to deal with the fact that standardized tests are a part of life. As is homework. You'd think she'd be adjusted to that latter fact considering this is her 4th year of homework. She actually did her math homework last night & Monday with no arguments. It's subtraction in the 3 place settings range. I honestly don't remember doing that in 3rd grade. And she's got the hang of it & she likes it! Finally! I mean, she does proclaim that math is her favorite subject.

And then there's Lib & Fi. They woke up @ 5 this morning. Lib is at the end of her rope-tired. I am growing impatient waiting for her to fall asleep. The whining is barely tolerable on a good day, let alone on a day when I'm sleep deprived. Fi had her meltdown earlier but says she's not tired now. She's not acting tired but she is doing her best to torment her sister. So you can guess the decibel level coming out of Lib's mouth just now. If I hide out here will it all go away?

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