06 March 2007

my 2 cents on the Pens

I cannot believe the idiots in authority in PA. I understand that PGH doesn't have the financial growth that places like Denver do. There isn't a huge population compared to big cities like NY or LA. But there is a strong fan base in the whole tri-state region & if a new arena is built, I'm pretty sure folks would sell a left nut to afford reasonably higher ticket prices that would offset the cost of said new arena. So what's the holdup?

And is Mario that much of an idiot himself to think that someplace like KC will be more profitable in the long run? Or maybe he's just looking at the current situation & wants a new arena & KC will pay for it "right now". But will there be fans? I suppose there will be, just as the teams in FL & ATL & PHX have survived when folks were initially skeptical about the non-traditional locations. But certainly not with the same level of loyalty as what the Pens enjoy in PGH. And seriously, have you been to KC? It's very similar to PGH, from what I can tell, very blue collar. If it's not a city with much economic growth, how will the team fare over time? What would be the future financial profitablity for the Pens?

I just don't understand the stalemate b/t team owner & city gate keepers. If the team leaves, won't it be detrimental for the city's already sad state of finances? There goes all that generated income from tickets, food & alcohol -in house & locally, parking, memorabilia, gas, sight-seeing, souvenirs, shopping ('cuz you know out-of-towners make a day of it), and whatever else I can't think of just now.

And sadly maybe hockey itself won't be as popular in the 'burgh; I know a lot of rinks were built when the Pens were at the top of their game a few years ago & lot's of little (& big) kids were inspired to skate year-round instead of only in Schenley Park in the winter. How will those businesses be affected?

Will Penguin fans remain loyal if the team moves? Doubtful. The city is generally not friendly to "traitors".

How frustrating for everyone involved. And it's sad b/c the team appears to be on the upswing of the "rebuilding" phase. I'm almost glad I'm 1500 miles away.

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