30 December 2007

a Christmas meme

borrowed from Renee:

Here are the questions (feel free to substitute the winter holiday of your choice & to add questions):

1. What was the best Christmas present you got as a kid?
the most memorable gifts I received as a kid were: a Barbie townhome when I was in 3rd grade or so. a Steiff Meckie in 6th grade, to go with my collection from our trip to Germany. I also remember a pair of cowboy boots in Jr. High.

2. What was the best Christmas present you got as an adult?
Probably my iPod nano last year. Or some jewelry when I lived in PGH. The xmas gift I really wanted & really liked but didn't fit was leather pants. Damn. They just weren't made for short people.

3. What’s your favorite Christmas carol?
I like any of the traditional church carols. I also groove on the Chipmunks song "Christmas Don't Be Late". The Eartha Kitt version of "Santa Baby".

4. How long can you stand to listen to Christmas music before you break?
As long as it's not at work for 8 hours straight, I would listen to it until New Years.

5. How many Christmas albums do you own?
a generic compilation of traditional tunes; one homemade compilation of contemporary tunes; a Chipmunks Christmas cd. Three. I used to own more. But they were on cassette. My parent's 33 collection was awesome. I could listen to them for hours when I was little. Makes for good singing practice.

6. Did you ever go caroling as a kid?
This is one of the most memorable & enjoyable childhood activities. I would LOVE to find a group to go around with here. No one does this anymore, I think. my poor kids will never know the joy of singing carols & hot chocolate after.

7. Would you willingly eat fruitcake?
I tried it as a child. It wasn't horrible. That candied fruit stuff...I can almost taste it....

8. Do you own any Christmas sweaters?
Not a one. I used to have some Christmas themed socks.

9. Do you own any Christmas jewelry?
I used to

10. Do you wear them?

11. Did your family have any Christmas traditions? Like what?
My mom bakes a gazillion stollen. She gives most of them away. She also bakes these hazelnut macaroons for my dad (he says that's the reason he married her). They're made on wafers -similar to church wafers.

We have roasted chestnuts. Fresh baked bread and as soon as it's out of the oven eat it with REAL homemade hot chocolate (not out of a package).

When we were little, my dad used to work long hours (he had his own business starting, two of them in fact.) He got to sleep in on xmas (the only day) so of course he didn't want to wake up at the crack to open gifts. We started opening gifts on Christmas Eve. BUT first we had to go to bed (when we were little, we actually did fall asleep). My parents would prepare the gifts under the tree. Then my dad would walk around the house ringing this bell (it used to be this little brass bell with a wood handle, I remember it's sound) (over the years, the little cowbell from Switzerland took it's place). My dad did the "ho ho ho" thing the whole while. Then he would slam the door. Then my mom would come upstairs to wake us kids for presents. It was exciting & fun. And we would still do it, if we were there for Christmas. I miss doing that. I miss doing all of these things.

12. Do you buy Christmas presents for your pets?
Yes, a treat and a toy. The cat used to get a lot more. Now that we have a dog (& four kids), she doesn't get as much. Then again, she doesn't really play with toys anymore.

13. What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?
Do I have to name just one? peppermint candy cane cookies, hazelnut macaroons, spritzle, iced sugar cookies, egg nog cookies, rum balls...I could go on

14. What’s your favorite Christmas candy?
I really like cinnamon hard tack, but I haven't made it in years. I also dig little german chocolate ladybugs.

15. What’s your stocking look like?
it has a penguin on it, but Feefer wanted it this year. So I had hers, which is purple velvet.

16. How do you feel about the “Steal from Your Neighbor” Christmas present game (the one where people pick gifts from a pile, but others get to steal it)?
I have never heard of doing this at Christmas.

17. What is the oldest ornament on your tree?
Probably this little ceramic bear shaped bell from Snick's first xmas.

18. Real or artificial?
Artificial. We got it when we went to RI until the 23rd December a couple years ago & didn't want to spend the $$ on a real tree for a week's worth of xmas. We keep using it because, well, because it's here & it doesn't cost $100 like a real tree would. I miss the fresh scent of pine, though.

19. How do you feel about Christmas letters?
I did one once. It was time consuming b/c our computer doesn't have the proper software. I would do it again if I had the proper software.

20. Do you have Christmas decorations or lights outside your house? What are they?
Not this year. Not last year. Maybe next year. I want one of those big plasic nativity scenes for out front of the house. Maybe next year. Hmmmm, wonder where I could buy one????

21. How far would you drive to see Christmas lights?
Across town. My very favorite light display was 12 years ago driving up 76 heading back to PA on New Years Eve. It was in the middle of some cattle field along the side of the road. "Merry Christmas. Eat Beef". Or maybe it just said "merry christmas" but all the black angus milling around it made for an excellent picture. I wanted to use it for a postcard the next year, but the flash made all the cattle eyes shiny.

22. Are you a fan of tasteful or tacky?
I like a little of both

23. Do you have any Christmas collections?
No. Madster has a nice growing collection of nutcrackers, though.

24. What is your favorite tree ornament?
I used to really like my little keg. And my disco ball.

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