01 December 2007

Thanksgiving Day humor

So turkey day, we were all in the t.v. room watching the Macy's parade. The girls were growing increasingly impatient because the commentators were talking so much & the cameras only showed celebrities instead of balloons (booooooring). Finally came the float with the boy band "The Jonas Brothers". Here is a band that is played almost to monotony (running neck & neck with Hannah Montana) on Radio Disney XM. Yet the girls enjoy every listen. "It's the Jonas Brothers!!" they squeal every time. This particular morning they finally had the opportunity to see what the band actually looks like & watch them perform "SOS", the girls' favorite song (next to Ali & AJs "Potential Break-up Song"). Lib jumps up when she sees them & moves to stand about 2 feet away from the (big screen, mind you) t.v. She had the biggest smile & the sparkliest eyes I've seen in a long time while she watched (like my little sister at the same age when she used to watch old Elvis concerts). Suddenly she starts to back away from the t.v. -like she's just seen a rabid dog & has to inch away to safety- until she's about 5 feet away. She has a horrified look on her face, HORRIFIED. Quietly and in a shocked tone (as if she had just discovered "They've killed the easter bunny") she says, "The Jonas Brothers is boys".

1 comment:

gilbride. said...

that is the funniest thing i've read in a while.

poor bubble, all burst!