17 July 2006

a pirate's life for me

we saw THE movie of the year last night. And it was really really really good. Really good. As in I would love to see it again. On the big screen. And that doesn't often happen in my life. There has rarely been a movie worthy of paying full price more than once. In fact the only one that comes to mind was "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Or was that Temple of Doom? Or maybe both. Nevertheless, I wasn't too impressed with the first Pirates (I've fallen asleep or gotten bored & left the room everytime I've attempted to sit down w/ it). Maybe seeing it on DVD instead of in a theatre was a mistake. Regardless, I was slightly apprehensive about "wasting" money on a sequel to a movie which I didn't initially enjoy. I will say the beginning was on the slow side which further increased my doubts. But once the action got rolling, it just didn't stop. It literally played out like the most superb amusement park ride I can imagine. The costumes were excellent. The f/x were well done. The story was interesting. Johnny Depp was above & beyond the best he's done yet. Better even than Fear & Loathing!

Madster, on the way out the door, stated that she has some brand new ideas for a halloween costume (previously it was Princess Mononoke; I was not thrilled about having to sew a fake fur costume, so yay! much more creative to be a pirate of one's own design!!) Fi said she too would like to be a pirate. As did Olivia. Heck, after that flick, I think I know what I want to be when I grow up!!!

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