29 November 2006

hump day

Wednesday Mind Hump

Hi everyone! Sorry about the lack of a Monday Music Mambo. Your mememeister wasn't at home to do it. Today's theme is "Customer Is Wrong Day," and Monday's was "Electric Guitar Day." Because I missed such a great opportunity for the Mambo, we'll just make today Electric Guitar Day.

1. Who is your favorite electric guitarist? Or top three, if you can't decide on one?

Jimi Hendrix, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn (in that order)

2. Describe your dream guitar. What color is it? What brand? What special touches does it have?

If I were a guitar playing type person, it would be a shiny, glittery purple of the Gibson variety.

3. Bass guitars are electric guitars too. Who is your favorite bassist?

Billy Sheehan, Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton (not in that order)

4. Name one of your favorite electric guitar solos.

It's actually a tie b/t a Jason Newsted bass solo from the And Justice For All tour and the Cliff Burton bass solo from the Master of Puppets tour

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for humping! I never would have thought to mention a bass guitar solo. Very creative!