07 November 2006

we all know that it's true...

but it's still enlightening to see what goes on behind the scenes. This is what Maddie watched during Girls on the Run yesterday. She talked about it this morning on the way to school. She said, "They had this ugly woman & made her pretty. They made her eyes big"(with "big" eye motions). Coincidentally, I got an email from a friend (thanks Ang) with a link to the ad campaign. What strikes me is that Mad's perception is so skewed that she thinks the woman is "ugly" beforehand. When she was describing it, I had my own perceptions of what an "ugly" woman would look like before she was made over. Definitely more extreme than Maddie's viewpoint. But then I sit here & realize that I actually have a judgemental viewpoint of what is "ugly" in someone's appearance rather than seeing beauty. I think I'll be working on that. Maybe despite my "ideals", we watch too much t.v. It's evident that we're being brainwashed by consumerism.


AKA said...

Hey there rockymtmama,

Just wanted to let you know that SUCKER PUNCH is back in action! Thanks for your kind words about the blog, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!



rockymtmama said...

yay! Can't wait to read you again!