19 November 2006

with whom can I file a complaint?

can you believe that I saw spring gardening things on the shelf yesterday at JoAnn's. Oh yes I did. Lawn gnomes & some of those cutesy wooden garden signs. ARGHHHHHHH! (and no they weren't left overs on clearance; they were new products)

And the radio station that plays continuous xmas music the day after Thanksgiving until either the day after xmas or new years eve? It's already started. It was on the radio when I came into work yesterday. I don't know how long it's been playing xmas songs. Did it just start? And why? I mean, I enjoy carols as much as the next person. I even bought a new xmas CD & played it ONE TIME. But do I need to be bombarded before the xmas season has even started? True, I can just turn the channel. I just feel like it's taking away the specialness of xmas. It's like having birthday cake for dessert all the time would make birthday cake boring. And what would you do to make your birthday different, then?

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