22 November 2006

They call this a "moderate ozone" day.

Does that mean there is moderate pollution? Or there is a moderate ozone layer remaining? Denver is the new LA? You can't really tell from this picture but a little. The smog has been so bad the last few days. I first noticed it a couple months ago. It was a distinct brown cloud hanging over the city. The last couple days I've been traveling to Boulder & Broomfield so I've actually been out from under the city's bubble. It's so noticeable and noticeably odoriferous. I don't mean just a little grey-ish brown, I mean it's the color of a transluscent dark oak stain. It stretches for miles north and south (probably east & west too). And the smell is so bad & so strong that I wouldn't want to put the window down -it permeates the car's air system regardless. Makes me not want to drive. Or leave the house without some kind of face mask/breathing apparatus. It's scary & bums me out. Yeah, so we just need a big gust of wind to blow it out of here; but it'll just move on to somewhere else -like Kansas. It may dissipate, but it won't ever really go away. And yet people buy SUVs & drive one person to a car. I will say that lightrail has made a noticeable dent in rush hour traffic -on southbound I-25 (of course). Hopefully there will be a further expansion of lightrail to the north -like all the way up to Longmont, at least. Surely I'm not the only person to notice this problem?!?

Well, in comparison, Denver is LA 20 years ago 'cuz this is LA today. Yikes.

1 comment:

Jeremy Nichols said...

Yep, it's pretty bad. On the bright side, there are folks working to clean up this foul cloud. Rocky Mountain Clean Air Action (http://ourcleanair.org) is working to reduce smog forming pollution from oil and gas developments north of Denver (which are actually the largest source of smog forming pollution in the metro area). The rule is a good first step, but certainly we have some work to do. For our children's health, Denver's should be much, much cleaner. The Denver Ozone blog keeps folks up to speed about what's happening with smog pollution in Denver, it's at http://denverozone.blogspot.com.

You're not the only one to notice the brown cloud.