25 April 2007

boob tube pt zwei

So what did I do last night? The usual Tuesday night couple time...watched The Unit (lesser of two evils -choice b/t that & NCIS. GAAAAAAAAWD). And I didn't knit a stitch. Friggin' pathetic. And then The Shield. Dang it but The Shield has jumped the shark for me. We waited & waited & waited for this season. It's always been a raunchy entertaining hour for 8 weeks a year. I don't know if they have new writers or what. But it's been just stupid this latest season. The storyline is draaaaaaaging and it's all over the place. Last night there was some stupid thing about Karin & a dream about Lem. The strike team sat there & listened so intently. And there was serious dialogue about what the dream meant -woven into other parts of the episode. And later Vic was all emotional. And it laughably sucked. Literally sucked my time away. I will never have that hour back again that bad. I think I'll have to write that hour of couple time out of my planner for the future. Sorry G, nothing against you. I would LOVE to spend the time with you. But I'd rather clean toilets than sit through another hour of The Shield.

Anybody up for meeting @ the 24 hr Starbucks on Colorado Blvd. for some late Tuesday night knitting?

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