24 April 2007


Yeah, I have other things I could be doing. Right now I am avoiding the t.v. Yesterday was not a successful "turn off the t.v." day for me. I fell asleep early Sunday night & missed The Sopranos. Of course I HAD TO watch it yesterday. And then while I was at it, I felt compelled to view & erase some of the shows on DVR b/c I tend to use up the majority of DVR memory with my viewing choices (thx G for being uncharacteristically patient about that). It's mostly crafty DIY shows. Some movies. Occasional EWTN offerings. Then last night after work I watched CSI w/ G. And then I watched the last 2 episodes of season 4 Six Feet Under so I could return the disc to Netflix. Yeah, you could say I was less than successful yesterday in my no t.v attempt. I'm weak. The idiot box calls to me. It's something mindless to have on in the background while I fold laundry or knit or eat or whatever. Mindless.

So I am resisting the urge to go anywhere near the t.v. room. It's difficult. The dark side centripetally pulls me into it's time wasting, mind numbing presence. Feed me Seymour. Now I hear the futon "Ciiiiiiindy Ciiiiiiindy I'm so comfy down here in the t.v. room Don't you want to come on down? Keep me & t.v company? We're down here. We need you. We're nothing without you..." The urge to give up resistance is strong. What was that pin I used to have? "t.v. is for people who can't afford drugs"? No, that was "reality is for people who can't handle drugs". Either way. Electronic crack. What's happened to me? I didn't use to be this t.v. dependent. I blame it on V. V & the 47" LCD flatscreen & the expanded cable with premium movie channels & DVR & HD & yeah, it's all V's fault. V, the t.v. pusher. And G. G spends ALOT of time w/ the t.v. You know, b/t you & me, I think G prefers the t.v.'s company over mine. (I'd say actually, but seriously fits better here) Seriously. Addict. It's like quitting drugs or smoking or whatever. Must break ties w/ the people who trigger me. Well, that's not possible. Considering the only thing we do as a couple (sad but true) is sit in front of the tube, what's a recovering girl to do? Must. Resist. Urge. To Go. Downstairs. Must. Resist. Pull. Of T.V. *help?*


Anonymous said...

And you could not even wait to watch The Sopranos with me.....

rockymtmama said...

well, what can I say that I haven't already said? I'm an addict & true to my addictive personality, I just couldn't hold out 'til you got home.