It was a good day.
Made even better by the fact the my sister & I were able to go to a Bucs game that evening. SWEET! I hadn't yet been to the the PNC ballpark so that was a treat. Icing on the cake was that the tickets were free. The cake was that we were 7 rows back from the 3rd base coach! Extremely sweet! The pics are on my cell, so again, as soon as I get the pics off there, I'll post them on here. Sad that the Bucs couldn't pull off a win for my visit, but the consolation prize was that it was the Rockies in town & they did win. And just my luck, we didn't get rained on. Apparently there was a massive storm in the area that skipped right over us. The super loud thunder & lightening bolt out towards the outfield just before the first pitch couldn't have been better timed. Excellent f/x!!!
Oh and my camera battery died, hence the lack of visuals for the day. Yeah & did you know there isn't a car charger for a camera battery? at least according to Best Buy. Bizarre, huh?
We were going to stop in at the old stompin' grounds Dee's in the South Side to have a drink w/ my friend Rick. But I was so tired after the game ended that we chose not to. Stopped in Blawnox to pick up Snick from you-know-who's house & drove the hour & a half back up to Strattanville. Yeah, good thing we didn't have those drinks. We wouldn't have gotten home until the 2 or 3 am range. Not that I haven't done that many a time before. But before was 11 years ago. Time does take it's toll on one's ability to party all night & then drive a couple hours to get home. Or rather on one's desire to do so. hmmmm, maybe wisdom does come with age?
So then another beautiful day in the neighborhood :)
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