22 March 2008

littles' Friday projects before school

Lib had this pair of cords with an irrepairable broken zipper. She loved them & asked to wear them...frequently. I told her they would have to go in the scrap bin & we could use the fabric to make something else. I sat down to work on some napkins that I've been sewing. I looked up from my table to see how Lib had interpreted my statement. I didn't get a snap of the "finished" piece. She had folded it in half, then half again. She wrote all 3 of her names -Olivia, Libby, & LaLa- one in each of the other three quadrants. She then gave it to Miss Kathy who exclaimed that she couldn't wait to have Lib in her class next year ("She is going to be here, isn't she?" "We don't know yet. We hope so.")

I had sorted out a pile of old papers & came across these old pics. Fi saw them & right away had an idea to make little books. She made three in all.

Click here for the rest

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