18 March 2008

yearly doctor's visit

The littles had their physicals today. This morning, Fiona decided, "Let's go to the dentist, Olivia. The dentist doesn't give shots, right? Mom, I want to go to the dentist now, okay?" This from the girl who previously said she absolutely did not want to go to the dentist. (It takes a lot of cajoling to get her to open her mouth for the dental hygenist). Lib, on the other hand, was all for going to the doctor's (and the dentist...she is "the best little patient -even better than most adults", we've been told.) When we got to the doctor's office parking lot, Fi sat in the car, stalling, trying to figure out the gravity of the visit. "Mom, why do we have to go to the doctor's?" "So the doctor can see how much you've grown." "No, really mom, tell me the truth." "The doctor helps to make sure you're healthy." "No, mom. Tell me the real truth. Why are we here?" "I am telling you the truth, Fiona." "I don't want any shots, mom." Meanwhile, during the visit, Lib says to the nurse, "I want a shot" and "I don't need any hands to hold. I'm not afraid of shots". She was quite brave & straight faced during & after. Fi was so traumatized by the ordeal, I thought she would vomit from the shock of pain and the crying afterwards.

Frustratingly, what was scheduled for two 20 minute visits in a row, turned out to last an hour & 40 minutes! How is it when the patient is late, the office will turn the patient away AND keep the co-pay?!?!? Can I demand a refund from the doctor for cutting into the girls' lunch time before school??? (Here's a banana, Fi. Eat it in the car).

Most everything is going well. We have to schedule a visit with an audiologist for Lib; her left ear did not pass the hearing test. I wonder if this is why her speech development is slightly off? Most people still can't understand most of what she's saying.

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