17 March 2008

science experiment

I found this in the minivan about 3 weeks ago. I took these pics a few days ago. If ever there was a case against wax & preservatives & pesticides on fruit, this is it.

how shiny & oddly pretty. Aside from the wrinkles & bit of discoloration, the wax has well preserved this little slice of granny smith

aha! no wax on the inside, hence the bits of rot. How long -or ever- will it take for the outside to catch up? Reminds me of the "Super Size Me" experiment at the end of the movie; the McDonalds' fries never rotted. Disgusting. I haven't eaten fries -of any brand- since viewing that scene. Bummer because I used to really like Wendy's fries. Next I will try washing the apple slice thoroughly & leave a slice out to test.


gilbride. said...

you should attempt an organic vs. conventionally grown one and see what differences crop up.

rockymtmama said...

right. I'm pretty sure that's an easy one to predict; I could do that next. I'm wondering, though, if washing even really does anything to eliminate the waxes & crap that are sprayed on conventional fruits.

gilbride. said...

well, maybe if you use 'veggie wash' or something on it that would cut through the crap, so to speak. we used to swear my veggie wash and then the price of it went sky high. so now, we just buy organic when we can... although i've heard some 'organic' things aren't THAT organic... IYKWIM