26 November 2005

america's sweethearts has-beens

I feel so used. So ripped off. what the hey? I mean here are America's sweethearts. She even saved her virginity for this guy. The big deal wedding. The MTV Nick & Jessica Newlywed Show for crying out loud. All this for what? Chuck it out the window 3 years later? Marriage is work people. WORK. A foreign concept that many couples these days don't or won't get. In this day of instantaneous gratification, who the heck wants to work at something that doesn't necessarily give instantaneous gratification????

okay, after that little rant...anyone feel ripped off when I announced my divorce? I will be the first to admit that I felt ripped off. It was the long term live-in relationship complete w/ 1 sweet, beautiful, perfect daughter. After an inordinate amount of time, we officially tied the knot (having put off the actual ceremony 9 years). Not even two years later, kaput. Digressive relationship on hubby's part was last straw. Not that the relationship was perfect before then. WORK, remember. It takes work. And work we did. Until that fateful summer. Sometimes I think, hot damn, we'd have been together 19 years now. Then I think that some relationships take tooooooooo much work. And it would have been a costly 19 years had we stayed together. Things are definitely better now. I miss having friends in common. Other common interests. That's it, though.

Maybe if we had gone through w/ the ceremony at the outset like we had planned, things would have turned out differently.

But I could "what if" it 'til kingdom come & I'd still be where I am today. Happily involved with a man who is friend, soulmate, confidante, lover, partner. A man who "gets" me. And accepts me w/ all my quirks and foibles. And is willing to do the work together to have a long lasting, fulfilling relationship. Albeit he is a blinder wearing republican. (see, I have to make exceptions for his foibles too) But he's a keeper.

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