16 April 2006

Maddie's leprechaun trap 2006

this year it was an assignment in second grade as opposed to her own motivation. She had to design & build then write a description of materials used & instructions for use. They were all displayed in the school cafeteria on 16 March & then left in the classrooms overnight in hopes of capture. No luck again this year :P

she wanted it to be deep so the leprechaun couldn't escape Posted by Picasa

but then she felt bad that the leprechaun would be trapped all weekend so she made it comfy w/ a bed and pillow & carpet. Posted by Picasa

a pot of "silver" to entice. Said leprechaun will pull on the yarn as he slides down in. The yarn will pull over the chopstick which props the lid. Posted by Picasa

and a sitting area with a 20p coin on it Posted by Picasa

propped lid Posted by Picasa

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