12 June 2007

breaking up is hard to do (spoiler)

So that was it. That was the season finale. I suppose it could have been a long drawn out good-bye, you know the kind where everyone walks to the door but no one opens it so that everyone just stands in the foyer talking for another hour. Then someone opens the door & everyone moves out to the porch to continue the "goodbyes". Eventually everyone moves to the car still goodbye-ing, but then you do have to get in, start the engine, put it in reverse & leave, arm out the window waving, a couple honks as you drive away. It could have been a 3 or 4 week finale. Or maybe it was. Actually, if you think about it, it was a 9 week goodbye. Not bad, not bad. What more could I ask for? I mean, other than for the series to not end. Philly finally bought it, so that wraps up the NY b.s...kind of. It was quite an abrupt end to that particular episode though. I yelled b/c I thought my t.v. had quit working as it is wont to do the past year or so. But no. It was like someone closed a book. The story wasn't really over, just that the book was closed. G thought it was that the audience got whacked. "you just got whacked, life goes on for the Soprano family, but you're dead so you don't know what happens" theory. I suppose. But I think it leaves room for a possible reunion type episode or season on down the road. Possible. Can't imagine there being a movie as the rumor mill is suggesting. There is no way to encompass the essence of The Family in a two hour movie. It's a weekly thing. And it actually was a fitting finale. Nothing too over the top, just a little shock & horror & then the usual day to day stuff. (what, you didn't jump just a little when Philly got shot? And then you didn't squirm just a little & say "eeeeew" as the scene ended?) -sigh-I can't complain but I can -sigh-. And I can watch the series from the very beginning & look at it from a different angle. Which is sounding better all the time. Like a freshly wounded relationship, you keep reading the letters, the emails, reliving scenes in your head, looking for clues & insight. 'Cause I'm just not ready to admit that it's over.

1 comment:

sue said...

I was glad that they got phil and not tony... I was expecting it though when phil was in the scene.

daryl saw the ending as you were watching it thru tony's eyes... when he was continually looking at the door.. you know, that he is always on the lookout, even at a nice family dinner in a little diner.... or that thru tony's eyes you saw that one guy go into the bathroom and when his daughter (finally!!!) parked her car and came in - that one guy came out of the bathroom, shot tony and that was it... thru tony's eyes... blackness.

I don't like that idea. I like the simple wrap up, things finally coming together (with the kids and the NY situation) and yet he still has to stay on his toes for the rest of his life.

I was disapointed though... I must say that there were better episodes... better than the last few, actually.