17 December 2006

dreams & memories

I had the most bizarre dream last night. Starring me & also this guy from high school whom I haven't seen or thought about in many many years. Can't remember the details (nothing racy, so get yer mind outta the gutter). I recognized this kid in the dream but it didn't really occur to me who it was until I was on the outer edges of dreaming & had started to wake. This particular guy had committed suicide, I don't remember how long ago. Was I still in high school? Or had I graduated? He was a couple years older. In fact, he was the first person with whom I ever got rip-roaring drunk. Some of you reading this may remember that night. Hahahaha! Mad Dog!! And those Friday night dances at the firehall!! (I can only imagine now, really, how my parents must have felt at the time!) And so those few of you reading this & remembering that night will also remember that person to whom I am referring. I don't feel comfortable naming names just now. Anyway. Isn't there some old wives tale or superstition about dreaming of someone dead? Please remind me.

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