28 February 2007

she's a happy girl

Here's the Madster, not always the happiest camper when she wakes in the morning. This morning I gave her a sample card of Vickie Howell's new yarn signed by the Knitty Gritty star herself (or "that knit chick" as G refers to her). You would've thought I'd handed Mad the moon. She fairly squealed w/ delight when I explained what it was. Said she'd keep it forever & is planning to use it as a bookmark. This snap isn't even the initial bigger than the cheshire cat's grin she had with the accompanying squeal.

So, yeah, I did go to the book signing at Showers of Flowers in Lakewood. Vickie's just as interesting a personality in person as she is on the tube -probably more so in person b/c it's more relaxed a setting & she's got more time than the usual 20 minutes on screen. Neat lady, glad I went :)

Her new yarn line made by Southwest Trading Company has 3 different fiber blends. It's "Rock" which is a wool/hemp/soysilk blend. The colors are named after rock stars, of course. "Love" is a bamboo/silk blend. Famous movie couples's names are used for the colors. "Craft" is a milk fiber/organic cotton blend. The names of the colors come from people who have influenced Vickie in her crafting life. I really really like the feel of the "Love" & would have bought some but I don't have a project for it just now. Put that on my never shrinking, always growing "things to do knit" list.

She'll be at the Lambshoppe in Denver tonight.

After the book signing, my friend Amber & I went to a new little winebar & bistro in The Highlands called "Tastes". I had a glass of Riesling & a few "tappas". Blue d'auvergne cheese w/ figs & bread & drizzled honey; lox, cream cheese, capers & super thin bread sticks; citrus stuffed green olives. All yummy. I may have to make that a date night event in the near future. Good people. Good food. Unique wines & beers & spirits. Check it out for yourself!

1 comment:

renee said...

I saw Vicki at the Knit Out last week - isn't she teeny, tiny? She was signing books there, too, but she didn't have any yarn - I was hoping to sneak a peek at it.

Those tapas sound muy bien!