06 September 2007

Day 10. just hanging around,etc

I got tired of leaving the house at noon everyday (teenager...argh)(and the littles were on mountain time the whole vacation so that they didn't fall asleep until 11 or 12 & then slept until 9 or 10) so I decided to drive down to the 'burgh & get a quick little tattoo...or two. I was finally able to get an appointment with my friend Rick. We've known Rick for a long time...since Nikki was a baby & Rick had the longest freakin' mullet I've ever seen. Well before he was doing tattoos. OMG & the floodgates of memory open wide...like Rick was in our wedding party. And I kinda sorta remember a night someone had a glock at our house. It was a first & last time event. Ages ago.


om shanti

It was a good visit. Too short. And no bike rides, unfortunately. Rick's Triumph is a one-seater. Sigh.

Anywho. The tattoos. Can't say it was painless but it did only take about an hour or so, what with getting the images the correct size & getting the color correct AND all the phone interruptions without a receptionist. I'd done the research on the sanskrit last year but didn't have time to get the work done. I was quite pleased with the results. These pics I took today. You can see where the color bled just a bit near the om. Not bad for the location, I think. Now I'm working on the next piece which will be either La Virgen de Guadalupe or some variation of the Virgin Mary. That will be next year & require a good bit more time as it is much larger & far more detailed.

The rest of the day...return to Clarion to meet my mom, Fi, Lib & Maddie in town. Fiona had gotten a haircut a couple weeks previous with Garrett. So Maddie, Lib & I all had our hair cut by Shawna who has been cutting my hair since I was about 16. A long time, indeed. She did my senior prom up-do. And the blood red tips on my bleached blonde graduation day hair. And my bleach jobs, for that matter. I cannot find a decent hairdresser out here in Colorado. It's just one more thing to do on my yearly trek to PA. We've never hung out, sadly...I think we'd have a blast. She is just a cool person.

Dinner was a special request voted on unanimously by everyone...beef roll-ups & spaetzle. Good day. Relaxing day.


sue said...

What do you say to next year you and I getting tattoos together? I'll bet that you'll want a new one by your annual 'pilgrimage to PA' and I only have to decide what I want. Does it hurt (a lot) on the neck?

rockymtmama said...

OMG YES! and OMG yes it hurts alot on the neck. The only one that hasn't hurt is the one on my forearm. See, that one was done by an artist here. I've also found another artist here that I'd like to get some work from. I'm thinking that all of my PGH tattoos have been from artists with "heavy" hands and maybe that has something to do with the pain level as well. So depending on the artist, maybe it won't hurt as much as mine did. Either way, YES!