10 January 2008

more New Year's Eve

Here's a tradition we have in our family. I can't remember from where it came or when we started doing this. We bang pot & pan lids to make a loud ruckus. I think it's to scare away bad luck? Another "tradition" we have is to celebrate @ East Coast time. A) It's when we call folks back home b/c they're celebrating. B) little girls can celebrate & still get to bed semi-early. So the girls got their lids ready about 9:30. Not so quietly, it goes without saying. By 9:35 G was ready to send them to bed without seeing in the new year. 10pm rolled around & we watched the ball drop in NYC. The girls had a blast being as loud as possible (now that doesn't happen often, does it?)

Unfortunately, the 10pm "deception" didn't wash this year b/c Maddie can tell time. So the girls got to do it all over again at midnight mountain time. No complaints from any of the participants. (the pics are from the first round of celebration)

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