12 January 2008

Tim Burton is a genius

But we already knew that, didn't we.

Last night Snick I went to see this:
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I've been looking forward to seeing this movie since I saw the standee in the theatre the night I saw "30 Days of Night" in October. The first thing I thought that night was "Damn, that's brilliant. Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd. Why hadn't I thought of that sooner?" Then I eagerly awaited the release date.

Finally last night I had the opportunity. We planned it on Monday & I'd been waiting on pins & needles all week. Doubly so b/c I got to spend time with my favoritest 19 year old. Yay!!!

From the opening credits, from the very very first visual -no, from the very first sound of organ music before the credits, I had tingles. And THEN the very first visuals! It was a work of beauty, this movie, every scene, starting with the fog in the credits. OMG. Only Tim Burton could take such a violent, gory topic & make it beautiful. Granted, I have to give credit to Stephen Sondheim for the music & lyrics & book. But the visuals. I don't know how else to describe it but that this movie was beautiful. It was like watching art in motion.

I don't say this often, but as soon as I walked out, I knew that I wanted to see this movie again. As in PAY to see it in the theatre, not just buy it on DVD. In fact, I can count on one hand the times this has actually happened. Let's see, Raiders of the Lost Ark, T2, Beauty & the Beast, Batman (Tim Burton!), and Monsters, Inc. are the only flicks that come to mind just now. I saw The Empire Strikes Back twice in the theatre -albeit there was a 20 year time difference between viewings. I would have paid to see Batman: The Beginning more than once in the theatre, had I seen it there in the first place.

Thankfully I was able to see Sweeney Todd on a big screen. You HAVE TO see it on a big screen. This version of Sweeney Todd, this rendition, this interpretation...Totally. Blew. Me. Away. I had to work today & I swear the first 2 hours, in the back of my mind I was still contemplating this movie. Here I am after work & I'm still excited about it.

So, who's going with me? and when? tomorrow?? And maybe the day after too??

Or if you've already seen it, discuss here...I don't want to post any spoilers yet. What are you waiting for??? Get out there & see this flick. I'm telling you, you don't want to miss it on the big screen....


renee said...

Agreed. Loved it. Johnny was so awesome - he just broke my heart.

rockymtmama said...

The portrayals of the characters are so different from the stage production. And equally effective. TB made Sweeney so much more quietly vengeful & mad whereas the stage version is much more rageful. TB's Mrs Lovett was conniving & insinuating while the stage version is touched & simple. Burton took the original to a whole 'nother level.