30 January 2008

testing 1, 2

I hated wordpress. I couldn't even give it a shot for a week. It was too much work to get the template to my liking. I thought it would be easier because it has it's own photo hosting element. But no. It seemed to be a bit counter-intuitive. Bah. Life's too short to be frustrated over something that should be so easy.

So, Ta Da! Here is the new blog -minus pics of the littles. This will be the same format as the previous blog & I won't be posting there anymore. So unless you want to view those older pics & posts, you can just bookmark this site & visit with me here. Personal pics will be on my flickr account; if you don't already have that access, let me know I'll email it to you. Otherwise, everything here will be the same as before.

Oh yeah, and here's the humorous vid clip...for your perusal amusement....

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