09 January 2008

what the #&H*&*! batman!

It's the 9th of January 2008. 2008!!! According to Mayan timekeeping, we have 2 years left on this earth. Well, actually a little under 3. 12-21-10 What will you do with your time?

On a lighter note, I'm happy to report (& G is happy to see) that I have finally decided to open & utilize my xmas gift. Yeah, it sat in the box for 2 weeks. but here I am, at an ungodly hour, blogging away. It's a laptop, in case your didn't figure that out. And it's purdy darn spiffy. And WIRELESS. Yeehaw. I'm not strapped to the desk anymore. Although I think the desk chair is a bit more comfy -better posture & better ergonomics. I'll have to fiddle around with the personalization of it as I type faster than the computer can keep up (who would have thunk?). Tomorrow -or rather later today- I'll attempt to download pics & some music.

the littles & the middle & I visited the eldest on Monday. It was fun & relaxing. and the eldest treated us all to a movie -Alvin & the Chipmunks- AND snacks for all. Wow! Impressive & expensive. She must be growing up. sigh. Yeah, I know, it's inevitable. But I miss the little Snick days. I even miss waking up at 5am to make the 6am bus. It was quality time, prime chatting time for mom & daughter. I even miss the winter night drives to B-field to pick her up after work. sigh. BUT! She & I are hanging out on Friday. Yay!!! Some mom & eldest daughter alone time. And YAY! We're finally seeing Sweeney Todd!!!! I can't wait!! Squeeeeee!

What else? Madster starts swimming again. Her new year's resolution is to be the best swimmer she can be. Sounds good to me. I think I'll have to look into another program so she can go more often or for longer sessions. 1/2 hour twice a week is just not enough for her.

Feefer got a new do -pics to follow.

Lala is a rockstar -pics to follow.

I'm doing some knitting & some sewing. And another ATC, soon. More pics, later this week.

G is looking quite attractive sporting his fuller facial hair. It was my suggestion. It's niiiiiice. How long will it last? Until the screen writers end their strike, you say? nah. More like, until his boss tells him otherwise.

And now to sleep, perchance to dream? Good grief! For 2 hours if I leave off now. Argh! No rest for the wicked....


a girl said...

Isn't the Mayan calendar circular, so the end of this one just means that another will be starting? Like a new era, a new age? And is it really 2010 or is it 2012... I've read that in a few places... though I know that you can't believe everything you read. A guy at P-Bread and I were discussing this and he told me about the circular calendar... not sure if that's true either.

rockymtmama said...

that may be true about the year. It was something like 12.20.10 or 12.20.12. I was watching some program on Nat'l Geo about it & yes, it is circular, but it has a definite end date. It made me a little sad to think that I might have only a little bit of time left & that if it is true, I won't get to see the girls grow up. Of course, the "end" could be at any time.