26 January 2008

political views of a 9 yo

"oh mama, I don't like Hillary at all. She's got no good ideas & no plan."

and mine:

I always said I would vote for a woman who would run for President. I was listening to a BBC podcast about Hillary not long ago. The interviewees had a good point in that the US calls itself the epitome of democracy but has never had a woman president, whereas other countries have had female prime ministers, etc. And it's true. How democratic are we as a country, really, when we've kept women & anyone of color out of our highest ranking office?

How I despise the two-party system. I have a choice between two candidates (three or four, if I want to throw my vote away). I won't be surprised (but highly unhappy) if we have another Republican elected this time next year. Here's the Democratic party with a man of color & a woman pitted against each other. You know the Republicans are loving it. Either way, they win; I don't believe that the majority of people will vote for whichever Democrat gets the party nod. Sad but true. Democracy in the United States is merely an ideal against which we fall sorely short. It's still a rich, white man's country.

I was all for Bill Clinton when he ran -both times- absolutely, positively believed he would do a great job leading the US. Now I'm not sure at all who will be able to take care of the issues we face as a nation. After the last eight years of deception, I've lost quite a bit of faith in our government. Funny, I was going to write "6 years", then I thought, "really, it'll be 7", then I thought "holy crap, it's been the entirety of George W's reign at the helm." Holy crap. I think I need to stop typing momentarily. I'm feeling a little verklempt, a little short of breath, thinking about the magnitude of decline in morality & accountability we've seen these last 2 terms. It's downright depressing if one thinks about it too much.

okay, now I've unwound a bit...teaching the Madster to KNIT!!! I've got her doing a basic knit stitch on 13's with really chunky Lion Brand yarn. She's knitting a scarf for __________. So far, so good. She's catching on faster & more easily than last year's attempt. yay!

Back to politics. Riddle me this, Batman: How exactly does a $600 check for every tax paying adult stimulate the economy? Someone PLEASE explain their take on this plan. I will respond with my own opinion. Comments from any & all are welcome...just click on the "comments" button down below there...c'mon, I know you can do it. I know you want to do it. Engage me in a little online debate. Blogging all by my lonesome is booooooorrrrring.

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