21 February 2008

democratic debate

So finally a debate between the two Dems. G & I only caught the last 1/2 hour or so on the rebroadcast. And I almost thought I wouldn't be able to sit through it with G. He dislikes Clinton so much it clouds his ability to hear what she's saying. And his comments cloud my ability to even listen. Yes, he did pause to make his snide remarks but I would like to hear her whole thought before making a judgement.

I'm no more off the fence than I was before. Except I do have a few observations...and G & I actually agree on a political subject for once. (Yes, write that down on your calendar).

1) Obama is way more personable than Clinton
2) Everything that came out of Clinton's mouth was freaking rhetorical b.s.
3) Clinton comes across as calculating & only trying too hard to "play the game". I guess that's "politics", but it's not a reason to vote for her
4) Clinton sucks at debates because she wants to rebutt the rebuttal after time is up & the topic has changed
5) Clinton is long winded & was hogging the "spotlight". May be a learned behavior from having to make sure she's heard in a roomful of men who generally do all the talking. (you know it's true. And it's freaking annoying to be a woman in roomful of men who don't listen...or even in such a one on one conversation)
6)Obama is very soft spoken & is polite enough to not interrupt Clinton. Actually, it's not politeness, per se. He was just following the rules of "debate". But he did pull her chair out for her at the end -a gentlemanly thing to do.
7) Clinton had generalized -seemingly made up- examples of why she is personally involved in politics e.g. "when a woman comes up to me and says please help...." or other such plays on "emotion" in an effort to garner female support (again, calculating). In contrast, Obama had very specific examples with names and seemed genuinely concerned.
8) I noticed Obama taking notes while Clinton spoke. He was listening & thinking. I did not notice Clinton doing so. Was she listening? Or was she merely latching onto one argument & preparing it in her head (you know what I'm talking about; everyone's done it with a spouse)

All in all, I find that Clinton projects the bitchy, abrasive woman that most people can't relate to . You know if she were quiet & soft spoken people would think she's too weak. She needs to find a middle ground. However, because Obama is soft spoken, he appears more thoughtful & patient -both good qualities. But see, here I am wondering if he's too "weak" to lead our country and the flipside is that if he were a "strong" speaker he would better able to lead. For sure I need to hear more from him ASAP.

And then there's McCain whom I really liked because he doesn't toe the party line -always a good quality for any politician, but especially a republican ;) He's so old school, though. Is that what I want?

Back to the drawing board....

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