20 February 2008

random stuff

Feefer picked out a Sailor Moon DVD from the library yesterday (and books, no worries). For every movie the girls watch, they choose a character to "be". As in, "I'm she." and "I'm she." Yes, fickle & shallow preschoolers, they prefer only the "prettiest" characters. And usually blonde. If there are 2 pretty characters, no problem. Today they are fighting over who will be Sailor Moon. "I'm she!" "No, I'M SHE!!" Apparantly none of the other scouts are worthy of emulating. "Please let me be she, FiFi," implores Lib. Usually Fi gives in to whatever Lib wants -out of sympathy? For wanting to end the whining & crying? Because Lib's the "baby"? Not so this time, Feefer held her ground on this one. She IS Sailor Moon. Lib is the girl they're calling "Bubbles" with blue hair. "Are you a teenager?" asks Feefer, and she goes on to explain "teenagers" to Lib. They were impressed by the fact that Snick & her friends used to watch Sailor Moon, too. I remember Snick & Jessica, especially, and maybe Beth & Brigitte. And if I recall correctly, they too had their own favorite sailor scouts -even at 9 years of age.

Our neighbor across the way had their house burgled yesterday, in broad daylight. I feel bad because I saw an out of place looking pickup, but they looked like they were broken down, so I didn't think anything of it. You know, hood up, looking like they were waiting for assistance. That & think of how my pervasive political correctedness brainwashing has lasted even after nearly 6 years have passed since I last worked at the Boulder County Safehouse. My first thought wasn't "now that is suspicious & I should alert the authorities" but rather "Don't assume that because those two guys are hispanic looking & are strangers to our neighborhood and are sitting outside that house in a beat-up looking truck that they are up to no good." Isn't that sickening, that I would ignore my gut feeling for fear of being called "racist"? By whom? Some ghost of a memory? You know, I wouldn't have hesitated had they been suspicious looking white men.

So the woman said she's been in this neighborhood 21 years & nothing like that has happened. And I have to say, one of the reasons we chose to buy this particular house was that the street is fairly unnoticeable; we'd lived in this neighborhood for 3 years & never knew this street was here. Of course, maybe that makes it attractive to undesirables too. Now we are rethinking our own home security. And I don't care if Cody does bark at every stranger who walks down the street. She's got a big mean bark -even if, as Maddie worriedly pointed out last night, Cody would wag her tail & let a stranger in because she's a kind dog, not mean at all. Maddie wishes we had a "mean" looking dog like Max. Feefer is satisfied that daddy will scare anyone bad away. I think Lib was sleeping & didn't hear what happened. Well, needless to say, I couldn't sleep...like I need a "reason" for insomnia. And Feefer & Maddie need a reason to be even more clingy.

Speaking of a clingy Feefer, we attended the 10:45 mass on Sunday to hear Maddie sing with the children's choir. Lib & Feefer excitedly left with the other "big kids" for their separate children's worship time. Not even two minutes later I hear Lib saying (from the other end of the pew) "FiFi wants you, mama" & look up to see the girls -Fi in tears- and one of the teachers. Fi was doing that crying/trying to stop crying/jerking head/trembling/catching her breath thing (you know what I'm talking about) while sitting in my lap for the next 10 minutes. Meanwhile Lib went back happily with the teacher, "'Bye mom, I'm going to color!" in her sing-songy voice. The choir is really coming together nicely, BTW. The next performance will be Easter.

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