06 February 2008

the extent of my excitement these days...

first, I saw that a Mountain Sun pub is going in on 17th street in Denver near P/SL. Yay! This makes me happy to no end. Seriously. These are the things that make me happy. May be lame to you but to me, who has little to no outside fun, this is exciting.

There is a new gas station/convenience store in our neighborhood. It had changed management a couple years ago. Then it closed altogether -put out of business by the competition across the street. (which coincidentally, also put the nearby 7-eleven under). We watched as it was slowly stocked over the fall & then finally opened for business on the first of the year. Within 2 weeks it was closed again. Bummer. My dad -whom you may know, was a gas/service station/convenience store owner for most of my life- suggested that maybe they didn't have a firm supplier set up. Then two weeks ago the station was re-opened -with gusto- and offered their gas at 3 cents less than the competition. No big deal, but hey, 3 cents adds up when you're paying $60 per tank. I was kind of enlightened to see the new business succeed instead of flounder. It's taken a week or so but, after being void of business the first week, folks are finally starting to buy gas there. AND (this is the exciting part -to me anyway), they've started a gas price war! Not the kind of late where one station RAISED it's prices so the neighboring station did the same. Now the competition has lowered their price penny for penny to match the new business. So, I'm weird. What can I say? It's how I was raised -not to be 'weird' so much, but to be aware of gas prices. duh. Our morning debate on the way to school has become "how low can they go?". It can only be good for the neighborhood. Now if we can only get a coffee shop or bakery to move in, maybe an ice cream shop, things would be all good.

addendum: I do not, for the life of me, understand why it is that when the price of gas is identically low at both gas stations, one catty cornered from the other, that folks line up, literally, to get gas at the original business while the new business is next to empty of customers. WTF??? Personally, I would rather NOT waste time waiting in line if I have that option -not to mention wasting gas & emiting carbon dioxide whilst idling my car. It's like watching zombies advance on the Monroeville Mall. Mindless. Or is it some kind of subconscious loyalty to the established business where people don't want to support the new business unless the gas is priced lower. It's bizarre. I'm glad my dad got out of the business when he did.

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