10 February 2008

tear jerkers

I watched Away From Her last night. OMG. Definitely thought provoking. Like, wtf would I do if a)my parents b)G 3)I were diagnosed with Alzheimer's? Or anyone else that I'm close to, for that matter? It was a frightening thought. The depiction of the woman's steady decline was heart wrenching. Her husband was so kind & patient. And then the ending that wasn't really an ending. Has anyone else seen this flick? What did you think?

Afterwards I got to thinking about other films that truly left me sad after the final credits. You know, the kind of sad that you have to quick watch something funny to lighten the mood or spend the rest of the night in a funk. At the moment I can think of a few: The Notebook, The Hours, A Walk to Remember, Brokeback Mountain, and Crash. Hmm, Crash wasn't really a tear jerker for me, it just left me feeling empty & depressed about the lack of hope for the future. Talk about a buzz kill. But it was still that kind of movie that I had to sit for a while & process and then listen to Smodcast for a few hours so I could be reminded that there is indeed humor in the world still.

What tear jerkers am I leaving out? And I'm not talking about the kind of tear jerkers that are staged just to get a weepy audience moment (Remember that scene in The Patriot where the little daughter finally speaks? Cheap but effective use of audience manipulation.)Opinions, anyone?


Grace said...

LOL, I KNOW you aren't going to believe this but I watched Away From Her on Saturday night too! Well, I started it and then fell asleep. It was really depressing, given my current situation. I was being cynical, think that men and women don't really love each other like that anymore! Bridges of Madison County has always pulled on my heart strings.

rockymtmama said...

omg! You & I are still so alike after all these years! Yeah, I couldn't watch Bridges when I was going through my divorce...I started it but had to stop for crying. (The book was more palatable for me). You know what movie was good during that time was "Waiting to Exhale". Why the hell didn't I throw all his clothes out the window & light them on fire??? hahaha!

Grace said...

Yea, if #2 had actually moved any of his things into my house, I would have burned them lol. Hmmmmm maybe he'd seen "Waiting to Exhale" lol.