20 May 2007

flashback of the week

my quintessential official beginning of summer song for your viewing pleasure.

Remember when...this CD first came out & all the big deal controversy over "Van Hagar"...the David Lee Roth loyalists talkin' smack about how Van Halen was finished, etc etc. I remember the first time I heard the CD. It was morning b4 school -must have been afternoon classes. I was in my apt @ Allegheny Ctr & B & maybe Sean Carroll had run out to buy it immediately & brought it up to 720 to let me listen with them. New & exciting & something we talked about b4 & after the actual CD release.

I can't remember the last time I got excited about a new CD; you know, like so excited I couldn't wait for the CD to come out & had to buy it as soon as it hit the shelves. Is that an age thing? A parent thing -like I have other (mundane) things to occupy my time instead of new music. I almost got excited about the new Bjork. Then again, I haven't run out to buy it yet. Maybe it's a frugal thing 'cuz now I can wait to get it used. I guess I can live vicariously through Snick, who now has that anticipatory excitement over new CDs.

And did you notice all the cigarette smoke in the video? As I watched the video it occurred to me that this was b4 all the big anti-smoking campaigns & b4 all the anti-smoking legislation & lawsuits against tobacco companies. And smoking was still "cool". And before Eddie had cancer. What a loss.

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