28 May 2007

she's got cojones

Our neighbors directly to the back of us have taken to trimming shrubbery & trees in their yard and, instead of putting bundled branches to the curb to picked up on a Friday, have created this huge mound of woody waste in the corner nearest our fence. I have stated on many an occasion that as this non-composting pile grows, it will become inhabited by our neighborhood fox. So tonight the girls & I were out back potting some flowers. Cody was lazing nearby. The cat was on the prowl. Suddenly we hear a commotion in the neighbor's yard & see the fox! running out of the psuedo woodland. And our cat! right on it's heels. No kidding! She chased the thing all the way around the tree -like a Tom & Jerry cartoon. There was a very brief standoff, the cat started on the offensive again and then the fox! ran away. It was a sight to see. Cody could barely contain herself; first the thunder to freak her out, then the fox! to send her into a frenzy. I wish I'd had my camera, except it was dusk, so too dark for a good pic. But if I could record images instantly with my eyes to be downloaded here for you, reader, ah that would be keen. As Maddie used to say when she wanted to remember something visual: "I'm taking a picture with my camera eyes." Seems the practice battles Cat puts Cody through are useful afterall. And here I was always concerned that the fox! would eat our cat!

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