23 May 2007

my twisted sense of humor

Okay, maybe you've listened to the podcasts, maybe you've restrained yourself from checking out the podcasts I like to promote. If it's the latter, what is the problem here? I mean, I like to think that my taste in aural entertainment is slightly above average. That being said, you really should listen to Smodcast #10. Albeit I may have been a bit on the sleep deprived side b/c it was onwards of 2am when I turned it on. But OMG! It was so fcuking funny!!! Literally, I had tears running down my face b/c I couldn't stop laughing. And no, I wasn't high. (duh! That doesn't happen in my household.) You don't have to be to appreciate the freaking low-brow, intellectually stimulating (is that an oxymoron or what?) humor that these two hit on in this episode. I end up laughing at some point during every episode but this one in particular was the best so far. 9 was good too. But 10 was the one that made me worry that G or one of the girls would come downstairs to check if I was alright &/or to yell at me that I was being too loud & could I shut up with the guffaws coming from the t.v. room. Yeah, I was having fun. Alone. With my ipod for company. Go figure. And go listen :P

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