28 May 2007


That's the prompt for this week's writing. Simple. Not so simple. Nothing is ever as simple as you think it will be. What should be simple is simply not; there are unforeseen twists everywhere. What could be simple is often complicated by what, in hindsight, turns out to be something equally simple.

Watching the girls grow could be simple but there are parental responsiblities that obscure the simplicity of life. Mundane tasks that hinder the sheer joy of merely watching the girls at play. I can postpone only so much dailiness before life starts piling up like a laundry list of to-do's. And all my plans for simple fly out the window. And then the day is over. Start all over again the next. Where did my simple go? Oh yeah, out the window.

Remember when life was simple. When the most pressing issue one faced was "What outfit should I wear today?" or "Does that boy like me?" "I don't know; ask him." "No, you ask him." "No, you want to know, you ask." Or even more simply, remember a time when one didn't have any "issues", when one's choices & decisions were made by a mom or a dad. Things like "Mom, I saw a bee moving & it is in a house" were a big deal. Simple like a four year old preschool girl. Simple like only 10 channels on t.v. to choose from. Simple like the same t.v. channels go off-air @ midnight with a recording of "The Star Spangled Banner" playing behind a picture or video capture of a waving flag, on screen snow until 6 a.m. Simple like when? 1983? 1975? 1964? 1950? "Those were the 'good old days'". Right. Everything, everything is complicated somehow.

My life is not simple. It is convoluted. Makes for interesting discussion -heated even. Drama in every shadow. Not simple. Simple might be boring. But ya know what? Drama gets old too. I yearn for simple. Easy & simple. Heck, I'll even forego easy. Give me a "SIMPLE" button.

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